Friday 24 May 2019

Weekly news

Weekly News
Sports Day on Monday was a hugely exciting, busy and tiring day but very much enjoyed by all. Thank you for supporting us by coming to watch your children and cheering them on.
During the mornings this week the children have completed their reading special booklets (SATs). They have all worked really hard. You will be pleased to know that our SATs are now finished.
In Maths this week we have been partitioning numbers into different combinations of tens and ones. For example; 62 = 60 + 2, or 50 + 12, or 40 + 22, or 30 + 32 etc. The children used the tens and ones sticks to help them. We also applied this skill by drawing bar models to show the partition. Some children solved incorrect partition challenges for example 62 = 6 + 2 …”This is incorrect because the 6 digit is worth 6 tens so it should be 60 + 2.
A big well done to the children who took part in the dance showcase. We are really proud of their confident performance and we hope you all enjoyed coming to watch them.
Whilst the children were at the dance showcase, the rest of Year 2 completed some pirate art. We created a sea background using paint and added texture using sponges, forks and brushes. We then made a pirate boat using sugar paper and oil pastels to stick on top. This artwork, along with the treasure maps made a few weeks ago will be on display in the lower school hall.
After half term we will need lots of junk modelling. Please can you save this up and bring into school the first Monday back. Many thanks.
Enjoy the half term!
Year 2 team J

Friday 17 May 2019

Weekly news

We have had an exciting week in Year 2. We started off the week with a fantastic launch to our new topic ‘Land Ahoy’. We had a wonderful workshop with Miss Helen from Music and Movement all about pirates and did some dance and drama. We did lots of different pirate activities throughout the day including making telescopes, porthole art, making pirate hats and walking the plank!

In English this week we have started looking at our new ‘Power of Reading’ text. We are keeping the title to ourselves for now. The children have done some excellent work on inferring from a picture and writing instructions to find gold.

In Maths we have been learning about position and direction and guiding our friends round different routes using the language forwards, backwards, left, right, clockwise and anticlockwise, ¼ and ½ turn.

In our topic work we have made some amazing detailed maps to show a journey to find gold. In Science we have investigated different materials to see which float and sink and choose the best one to make a boat. We have really enjoyed using our investigative skills. We have also learnt about the story of Jonah and the big fish and made a story map of it in RE.

A few quick reminders….

Please can we remind parents that children need to have their reading records in school at all times so that we can record details about your child’s reading.

Don’t forget it’s Sports Day on Monday. The children are really excited and have been working hard practicing their races.

We are really looking forward to Dance Showcase next week at the open. A reminder for the children taking part, please could we have any costumes in school as soon as possible and also £1 for the bow ties.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 2 team.

Friday 10 May 2019

Weekly news

During this short week, the children have been doing their Maths special booklets (SATs). We have been pleased with their positive attitude and focus. We will doing our reading booklets in a few weeks’ time.
In the afternoons we have been singing ‘Sea Shanties’, learning Spanish and doing some computing activities using the programme Scratch Junior on the iPads.
At the end of the week, the children wrote their own Claude stories based on the plans they made last week. They have written some brilliant adventures with an exciting problem and resolution. All stories ended with Claude saving the day!
We will no longer be sending home weekly spellings. The spellings we have been sending home are the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words. As we have now worked our way through all of these, you will now see the completed list stuck in your child’s spelling book. Please continue to test your child on these words as these are the crucial words they need to be able to spell by the end of Year 2. We will continue to test your child on these words every few weeks.
Home learning will be coming home Friday 17th May. We are quite a few books short so please ensure they are returned to school so that we can stick in their new sheets.
If your child is involved in the Dance Showcase you should have received an email this week about costumes. Please can these come in ASAP.
Many thanks,
Year 2 team

Friday 3 May 2019

Weekly news

We have had a fun and varied week this week in Year 2.
In English we finished our story about Claude in the City, and discovered how he saved the day curing lots of sick people with a cup of tea and a biscuit.  We then created story boards to retell the story in our own ways.  At the end of the week we planned our own version of the story.
In maths we have been looking at creating graphs to represent different kinds of data.  We started off creating pictograms showing how our class got to school, moving on to making bar charts about our favourite sports.  Then reinforcing our knowledge about these.
For science we explored the school looking at different plants and trees, trying to recognise them by their leaves and flowers.  We discovered that we have a huge variety of wildlife just in the school, getting excited about the variety of colours that will be out when summer finally arrives.
For our history lesson we looked at how technology has changed in the home from the 1950s up to now.  We looked at how small the televisions were in comparison, and that they used to have to get up to change the between the two or three channels!!  We also looked at technology in the kitchen and discovered they didn’t have microwaves!

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 2 team.

Friday 26 April 2019

Sock Puppets

We have been very busy in class this week making sock puppets. In our 'Power of Reading' story Claude and his friend Sir Bobblysock go on many adventures together so we thought we would make our own sock characters.

We thought very carefully about our designs and chose our materials to match these. When we had made our sock puppets we also evaluated our work.

We really enjoyed making these and were delighted to bring them home!

Weekly News - 26.4.19

Welcome back to the Summer term!
We started the week by planning our leaflets for the Sainsbury Centre. The children looked at real-life leaflets to decide what features they should include. The planned space for headings, a map, pictures, prices, opening times, etc. Later in the week, we wrote persuasive paragraphs about what you can do at the Sainsbury Centre, the shop and the café. On Friday, we used our planning to make the leaflets. These have been photocopied and sent to the Sainsbury Centre for them to, hopefully, use.
In maths this week, we learnt about how to read scales. We looked at real-life scales on car speedometers, measuring jugs, rulers, weighing scales, etc. The children looked closely to see what steps the scales were counting in (1s, 2s, 5s, 10s) and had to work out the missing number. Later in the term, we will be applying this skill by reading thermometers.
During the afternoons, we have been designing, making and evaluating sock puppets. The children have had lots of fun and we are very impressed with how much their real puppet looks like their design!

Friday 5 April 2019

Weekly news - 5.4.19

This week, in English, we have written our newspaper reports about the ‘great sculpture robbery’ that took place in the art gallery of our book ‘Claude in the City’. The children wrote a headline, drew a picture with a caption and included lots of real facts and quotes from local people. We have used the opportunity to discuss the features of non-fiction texts.
In the afternoons, we have been busy completing Easter and spring craft activities. The children really enjoyed making their bouncing chicks and chocolate Easter nests in baskets.
On Thursday, we had a wonderful time on our school trip. The children found out lots of information about the Sainsbury Centre and completed some sketching activities. After Easter, we will be continuing our work on non-fiction by making leaflets/guidebooks for the Sainsbury Centre using the information we collected.
We have had our final practise of our ‘special booklets’ (SATs) ready for May and we are pleased with the progress that the children have made. Over the Easter holidays, please continue to hear you child read little and often, and, if you have time, complete a few maths problems with them (all 4 operations). However, and most importantly, we really hope you all have a relaxing Easter filled with exciting activities.
Year 2 Team